Familiar with China import & export include customs & CIQ operation,regualtion.You can own those chi straighteners.Over 10 years mulitnational supply chain area experience.Start work from the bottom, make progress step by step. Work hard in passion, think different sense. Always honest to the company, keep ethics. Help each other happily, good team work sense.
a.Establish annual planning for purchase, production & material.Those polo shirts are very good! b.Conduct production plan to support deliver on time & inventory control. C.Define supplier selection, audit process & implement it. d.Supply chain management to improve with supplier together. e.Cost analysis managment to achieve purchase cost reduction target.You had cheap ralph lauren polo shirts at″I like it!″ f.Launch bidding procedure for important project. g.Track the marketing price trend & technical message to find new chance. h.Follow up EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE regulation to support import & export logistics. i.Good relation with Customs, CIQ, Foreign Trade Bureau, Tax Bureau, SAFE. j.Raw material, finished goods, spare parts, packing & chemical warehouse operation. k.Scrap material recycle, dangerous scrap material control. l.Logistics cost & lead time optimization. m.Maintain good relation with supplier, forwarder, broker, transport company. n.SOX & ISO system set up & operation.
You and me…It's real…
kneel only to God
man from hell
Just have a little faith